Find Peace, Resilience and Support
on Your Fertility Journey

Reconnect with yourself in a nurturing way

Restore your energy and emotional reserves

Reimagine your path forward


Reconnect with yourself and your body in a self-affirming and nurturing way. Remember who you were before this journey began and reconnect with the things in your life that matter most to you.


Restore your energy, your reserves and the resources that help to keep you going. Take time to nourish and care for yourself so that you have the energy to continue on your path towards pregnancy in a way that feels balanced and sustainable.


With renewed energy and clarity, reimagine your path towards growing your family. Know that you are making choices that are right for you by staying connected to your deep wisdom.

“Let an experienced acupuncturist show you powerful self-care tools to support your emotional well-being and your fertility”

Welcome to Whole You Fertility! 

Make your path towards pregnancy easier by focusing on the fertility of your body, mind, and spirit.  

I created this business so that you could have a better experience than I did. The misery I experienced shifted dramatically when I took the time to slow down and connect with myself, take care of my whole body, and attend to my emotional needs. I know that things will be easier for you if you do the same. Let me show you how.

With my 3 stage process, you will begin to integrate all the parts of your being and your experience and learn to harness your strengths and internal wisdom to help guide you. You will pay attention to the needs of your whole body. You will learn to care for yourself in the midst of painful emotions.

Drawing from the wisdom of Chinese Medicine and the strength of modern science my program will teach you powerful self-care skills to enhance your fertility and support your emotional well-being.

To achieve this we use the following techniques:

  • Self-Acupressure points
  • Self-Massage techniques
  • Breathing exercises
  • Guided Meditations and Visualizations
  • Simple Yoga poses
  • Stretching
  • Journaling
  • Questionnaires to help you clarify your challenges, needs, strengths, and more

Dealing With Infertility is No Walk in the Park

  • Is your infertility journey taking over your life, leaving you feeling isolated, helpless, and hopeless? 
  • Do you feel like a failure as a woman?
  • Do you feel like your body has betrayed you? 

We know what this is like and you are not alone. No one should have to suffer through infertility feeling ill-equipped and lonely. 

Having the right tools to move through this process and the opportunity to connect with others having similar struggles can dramatically transform your experience for the better. 

We will teach you techniques like acupressure, self-massage, and guided visualizations. It is our mission to empower you with these tools and welcome you into a community that will support you every step of the way.

Infertility Doesn’t have to take over your whole life

With our online resources you will: 

  • Learn to take control of what you can and let go of the rest
  • Stay connected to yourself in a positive way
  • Remember to pay attention to what is good in your life
  • Keep your marriage/partnership intact
  • Avoid needless frustration
  • Stay emotionally grounded
  • Connect with others who know something about what you are going through

The Path Forward with Whole You Fertility

Discover Stage 2, Step 1 - Nourish Yourself in my free mini course.

Orienting to Space and Time

In the path forward explained above we learn many powerful techniques. The one shown in this short video is designed to help manage fears and anxieties. I will guide you through a brief practice of it.

One of the many things I love about this technique is that it does not require you to focus on your breath. This is good for those of you who actually feel more anxious when you focus on your breath — that used to be me some years back.

I hope you find the exercise useful. Send me a message and let me know what you think!

1-1 Fertility Coaching

I will teach you effective practices to help you calm your mind, relax your body and stay grounded through the ups and downs. You will learn to connect with your body in a nurturing, supportive and caring way to support yourself and build your resilience through this challenging time.

We know what it’s like to fall down the rabbit hole of infertility and wonder what happened to your life!

I know this well from personal experience.  It can all happen so fast and one day you look around and wonder why you feel so awful all the time. It is my goal to help you avoid the mistakes I made and get you on a better path right away.

For over 20 years I have been helping people to transform their experiences of physical challenges, frustrations with their bodies, and mental and emotional upheaval. With breathing techniques, mindfulness practices and connecting with your body in a nurturing way you can begin your journey to a better place.

Acupressure and guided visualizations will give you the ability to shift your perspective and make clear decisions about how to move forward.

With the tools of Chinese Medicine and Massage Therapy, I have helped hundreds to experience more clarity, peace, and resilience.

It is possible to feel better even when it feels like everything is falling apart.

At Whole You Fertility we know that you......

…..Want to feel like yourself again.
You want to go back to “life before infertility”.

But here you are in the middle of it all. To feel like yourself again you have to find a better way forward.  The problem is there is a lot of advice out there about how to get pregnant and not a lot about how to navigate the sometimes rocky road.

This can leave you feeling overwhelmed, alone and frustrated.  We understand how easy it is to feel lost and confused and just too worn out to make decisions.

It is so easy to blindly do whatever the next step is:  another IVF cycle, a medicated IUI, another year of trying naturally, another diagnostic test, another supplement, another meditation tape or unusual position for intercourse!

It is endless and sometimes the treadmill just seems to go faster and faster and get more and more expensive as it goes. This is why we have created free resources that will help get you off that treadmill and slow down.

Using the powerful tools of Chinese Medicine we will teach you how to pay attention to your inner voice so that you can move forward more peacefully, knowing that you are doing what is right for you.

1-1 Fertility Coaching

I will teach you effective practices to help you calm your mind, relax your body and stay grounded through the ups and downs. You will learn to connect with your body in a nurturing, supportive and caring way to support yourself and build your resilience through this challenging time.